During these unique private sessions, you will learn about your own energy or Chi and how it can assist you in your personal and professional development. Through discussion comprising both ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science, you will learn how to tap into your ability to accelerate wellbeing on all levels. The focus of each session will be on the practical application of this knowledge in your life.
What You will Learn:
Physical: To cultivate your personal Chi to strengthen your physical body and embodied presence through:
- altering breathing patterns
- bio-energetic exercises
- using your mind to direct and manage your Chi
- thereby greater overall wellbeing in your life
Emotional: To cultivate your Emotional Intelligence:
- going from reactive to responsive
- discovering your authentic self
- exploring authentic self-expression
- experiencing the benefits of flow
- accessing your innate creativity
Mental: To Cultivate Meditation and Reflection Practices to:
- reduce stress
- enhance mental clarity
- improve self-awareness
- increase resilience
- dissolve rigid mindsets
- improve decision-making skills
- clarify communication
Relational: To Cultivate your Connection with Yourself and Others by:
- exploring compassion & empathy
- understanding and improving listening skills
What You will Receive:
- A Chi Assessment where your own issues, strengths, excesses and deficiencies that affect you will be done on each level: physical, emotional, mental and relational. These assessments will then enable an understanding where your energy is most present and where it needs to move in order to achieve balance.
- A Workbook to guide you through the process.
- An Individual and Practical Plan to help bring you and your energy into balance and to enhance it where necessary or desired for personal and professional development.
These are results-oriented coaching and mentoring sessions designed to empower individuals to transform their personal and professional lives.
“Spend some time and focus on your Chi, and you will learn how to Cultivate your Chi for the rest of your life.”
Everyone has the ability to develop and improve their energy to improve their lives.
We will look at the importance of self-care from a holistic perspective and what that means for your life as a whole.
We have all experienced times when the free flow of our energy seems blocked. Blockages result in dysfunctional behavior and health problems. In order to unblock our Chi, we can :
- Recognize the blocks we carry
- Find ways to understand their source and meaning
- Develop tools to heal them
It is fundamental to understand the energy dynamics within your multidimensional being.
Then we can apply exercises and techniques – physical techniques, meditations, bio-energetic exercises, real-world tasks and visualization techniques that can help influence change in our energy and a full-spectrum transformation in our life.
- First Session – 3 Hours – $200
- Individual Integration Sessions – 90 minutes – $150
- Chi Cultivation Package – First Session plus 3 Follow-up Sessions – $600
- Full Spectrum Transformation Package – First Session plus 6 In-depth Sessions – $1000