Grounding: Cultivating Safety and
Physical Well-Being
A personalized 1-on-1 Approach
or in groups of up to 6 people

Grounding: Cultivating Safety and
Physical Well-Being
A personalized 1-on-1 Approach
or in groups of up to 6 people

Grounding is a connection that makes us feel alive and rooted in our environment. We feel centered in ourselves and safe even when there is chaos around us, giving us stability and physical health
This Course is for You if you:
Want to create an inner calmness and sense of safety and security
Are interested in establishing a greater sense of presence
Are looking to empower yourself
Are facing a health challenge
Experience anxiety and increasing stress in your daily life
Grounding is made through the body when we make a solid contact with the earth. It provides a connection that makes us feel alive and rooted in our environment. We feel centered in ourselves and safe even when there is chaos around us. Our life force energy flows into and through us, giving us stability and physical health.
We will take an integrated approach to help you connect into this consciousness and learn ways to manifest both more energy and more peace in your life. This course is open to anyone interested in learning ways to manage their energy on all levels – body, emotions, mind and spirit.
This course integrates ancient wisdom and the practical application of this knowledge in your life. We will use techniques such as meditation, breathing, bio-energetic exercises, journaling and individual exercises to help you connect into the consciousness of grounding as well as different aspects of your energy field in order to assist you in establishing grounding in your life and expanding your presence.
What You will Learn:
To be empowered to take care of yourself body, mind & spirit
How your habitual energy field and defenses impact your grounding and presence
How to ground yourself
How to create an inner calmness and sense of safety and security at times you feel anxious, worried, or afraid
How to improve your physical health and well-being
What You will Receive:
An Assessment
of your physical, emotional, mental and relational challenges
A Workbook
A 10+ page Workbook to guide you through the process
Tools and Techniques to empower you to experience Grounding
We have all experienced times when the free flow of
our energy seems blocked.
Energy blockages result in dysfunctional behavior and health problems. In order to unblock our energy, we can:
> Recognize the blocks we carry
> Find ways to understand their source and meaning, and
> Develop tools to heal them
Melina’s Experience
The concept of Grounding has become almost mainstream, but I find that most people, although familiar with the term, do not really understand what their relationship with it really is. It is so important to understand your own specific energy template and your own specific relationship with Grounding as well as with Fear and how it manifests in your body and your life. Often connected with early childhood or in utero trauma, we need to find safety and security in the present moment in our physical body that might not have been available to us as young children. It is really the starting point in exploring Energy Consciousness to know how to establish a truly grounded and strong container within our lives.

Course compromises:
- First Part of Course – 2.5 hours
- Homework including exercises from Workbook and Personalized as well
- Second Part of Course – 2.5 hours
Book the date and time for the first part of the course now.
If you would like the 30-minute free consultation prior to the course, please book separately.
Price for 1-2 people:
Price for 3-4 people:
Price for 5-6 people:
Set your Intention.
Take the Challenge.
Feel the Flow.
Become more Balanced.
Transform Yourself.