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Private Retreats in Sedona

Life-transforming healing, spiritual & nature retreats

Manifest the Perfect Sedona Retreat

 Taking the time to invest in yourself is one of the most beneficial things that you can do for yourself, wherever you are on your journey. Whether you are looking to let go of your past and deepen your healing or whether you are on a spiritual quest to understand who are truly are or whether you would like to reconnect to your divine nature in our sacred nature here in Sedona, we will meet you where you are – without judgment – and bring you to a higher place with a broader perspective.

Invest in Yourself & Experience a Holistic Transformation of Yourself & Your Life!

Prices starting at $1200 for weekday 2-day retreats.

Retreats can be customized. For example, a 2-day retreat can be held over 4 half-days. 


Join us in Sedona for a fully personalized Private Retreat – for Individuals, Couples or Groups

Unlike large retreat companies, with the collaboration between SpiritFlow Sedona and Sedona Infinity Spa you will experience a personalized and individualized approach, as Athyna, Gigi or Melina will not only be your first contact, together we will develop a retreat just for you following a 30-minute Zoom or phone consultation and an intake form, and we will be with you each day, ensuring that your expectations are fully met. We will bring in only experienced and dedicated holistic practitioners who complement our own capabilities. Whether for healing or empowerment, spiritual growth or aligning with your life purpose, we will structure your retreat from a holistic perspective and integrate all aspects of the retreat with what it means for your life as a whole. 

Visits to Coconino National Forest coordinated with
(a Member of the Sedona Metaphysical Spiritual Association)
and FULLY Permitted for Operation on the Coconino National Forest.

Healing Retreats

These 2-, 3- or 4-day retreats are for you if you are consciously or unconsciously undermining your values, goals or intentions and are looking to become empowered through healing your relationship with your past and yourself.

Spiritual Retreats

These 2-, 3- or 4-day retreats for you if you are interested in exploring a spiritually-based empowerment, co-creation and manifestation, if you want to become more aligned through authentic self-expression and divine self-awareness.

Nature Retreats

These 2-, 3- or 4-day retreats are for you if you are interested in learning to mindfully move through nature in ways that cultivate presence, opening of all of your senses, and actively communicating with the land and with the energy of the land.

Questions? Contact us: