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Spiritual Retreats

Authentic personalized spiritual retreats

Your Perfect Sedona Spiritual Retreat

 Whether you are on a spiritual quest to understand who are truly are or whether you are looking to explore a spiritual life purpose, our Spiritual Retreats will empower you by helping you align with your innate divinity and longings for this incarnation. Depending on your intentions for the retreat, we will empower you to cultivate honest self-expression as a co-creator in your life. Speaking your truth is an essential aspect of living a life of passion, fulfillment and authenticity. It is only through honest self-expression that you are empowered to become who you intend yourself to be in this lifetime. It is the gateway between our inner and outer worlds. Cultivating intuition and inner vision as well will empower you to become who you envision yourself to be. Without vision our actions are mere impulses, but with vision they become creative acts full of possibilities. We need intuition to embrace the mystery that opens us to the larger, cosmic world. Most of us were raised with the belief system that spirit and matter are separate and distinct. Unfortunately, the separation of spirituality from the rest of life leaves us spiritually homeless. Through cultivating divine self-awareness by merging with divine consciousness and becoming self-aware of our true and divine nature we become empowered in our lives. Opening the crown chakra is about expanding our awareness so that it can embrace a larger portion of the universal field of consciousness. This can occur through meditation, spiritual practice, mystical experiences, altered states of consciousness, study and education, and the elusively simple but profound act of paying attention. Come and explore your universal connection.

Join our team of Spirit Mentors in Sedona for a fully personalized Private Spiritual Retreat – for Individuals, Couples or Groups

Each Retreat integrates cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom. And, yet, the focus will be on the practical application of this knowledge in your life. We will use techniques such as meditation, breathwork, Chakracises, spiritual counseling & guidance, life coaching, energy healing, extra sensory perception exercises, real-world tasks, visualization technique, sound therapy and bodywork to help you connect into the consciousness of different aspects of your energy field in order to raise your vibration and reconnect you with your higher self. We will look at the importance of spiritual self-care from a holistic perspective and what that means for each energy center and your life as a whole. For each retreat, we may bring in additional experienced, holistic professionals – from Yoga, Chi Gong, Massage, Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy, Shamanic Practitioners and more.

Book Your Retreat Now

Prior to every retreat, there is a Retreat Intake Form for each participant and a 30-minute Background & Intention Setting Zoom call in order to personalize your retreat.

2-Day Spiritual Retreat – Sample Schedule

Day 1

    • Incarnation Commitment & Grounding
      • This spiritual guidance session will help you to let go of early childhood trauma and to rediscover an energized life force.
    • Chakra Reading & Assessment
      • Psychic chakra readings and assessment according to Brennan Healing Science
    • Tarot/Oracle Card Reading
    • 90-minute Lunch Break
    • Land Journey with Spirit Mentoring & Reiki Healing
      • This land journey with help you to reconnect with your Divine nature and the intelligence of your heart.
    • Introspection & Journaling

    Day 2

      • Empowerment Session
        • This experiential spiritual guidance session will help you to manifest life purpose intentions and your co-creator abilities.
      • Conscious Breathwork Meditation
        • To connect to your innate divinity, higher self & unified consciousness.
      • Intuition & Inner Vision Training
        • To expand your ability to receive information and guidance from within.
      • 90-minute Lunch Break
      • Vortex Land Journey
        • Releasing Ceremony with Guided Breathwork Meditation & Singing Bowl Sound Therapy
      • Energy Healing with Halo Therapy in the Salt Room
        • To connect to your innate divinity, higher self & unified consciousness.
      • Integration & Closing

    Day 1

      • Incarnation Commitment & Grounding
        • This spiritual guidance session will help you to let go of early childhood trauma and to rediscover an energized life force.
      • Chakra Reading & Assessment
        • Psychic chakra readings and assessment according to Brennan Healing Science
      • Tarot/Oracle Card Reading
      • 90-minute Lunch Break
      • Land Journey with Spirit Mentoring & Reiki Healing
        • This land journey with help you to reconnect with your Divine nature and the intelligence of your heart.
      • Introspection & Journaling

      Day 2

        • Empowerment Session
          • This experiential spiritual guidance session will help you to manifest life purpose intentions and your co-creator abilities.
        • Conscious Breathwork Meditation
          • To connect to your innate divinity, higher self & unified consciousness.
        • Intuition & Inner Vision Training
          • To expand your ability to receive information and guidance from within.
        • 90-minute Lunch Break
        • Vortex Land Journey
          • Releasing Ceremony with Guided Breathwork Meditation & Singing Bowl Sound Therapy
        • Energy Healing with Halo Therapy in the Salt Room
          • To connect to your innate divinity, higher self & unified consciousness.
        • Integration & Closing

      3-Day Spiritual Retreat – Sample Schedule

      Day 1


        • Incarnation Commitment & Grounding
          • This spiritual guidance session will help you to let go of early childhood trauma and to rediscover an energized life force.
        • Chakra Reading & Assessment:
          • Psychic chakra readings and assessment according to Brennan Healing Science
        • Tarot/Oracle Card Reading
        • 90-minute Lunch Break
          • Land Journey with Spirit Mentoring & Reiki Healing:
            • This land journey with help you to reconnect with your Divine nature and the intelligence of your heart.
          • Introspection & Journaling

          Day 2


            • Empowerment Session:
              • This experiential spiritual guidance session will help you to manifest life purpose intentions and your co-creator abilities.
            • Conscious Breathwork Meditation:
              • To connect to your innate divinity, higher self & unified consciousness.
            • Energy Consciousness Training:
              • This coaching session will help you to understand the dynamics between your spiritual energy field and your life at the Level of Intentionality.
            • 90-minute Lunch Break
            • Land Journey & Ceremony:
              • Releasing Ceremony with Guided Meditation & Himalayan Singing Bowl Sound Therapy
            • Energy Healing with Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy and Halo Therapy in the Salt Room

          Day 3


            • Hike & Vortex Journey:
              • Exploring your inner-scape through experiencing the outer landscape.
            • 90-minute Lunch Break
              • Intuition & Inner Vision Training:
                • To expand your ability to receive information and guidance from within.
              • Life Purpose Manifesting:
                • Energy Consciousness Coaching & Training to help you integrate consciously and experientially.
              • Integration Session & Closing

            Day 1


              • Incarnation Commitment & Grounding
                • This spiritual guidance session will help you to let go of early childhood trauma and to rediscover an energized life force.
              • Chakra Reading & Assessment:
                • Psychic chakra readings and assessment according to Brennan Healing Science
              • Tarot/Oracle Card Reading
              • 90-minute Lunch Break
                • Land Journey with Spirit Mentoring & Reiki Healing:
                  • This land journey with help you to reconnect with your Divine nature and the intelligence of your heart.
                • Introspection & Journaling

                Day 2


                  • Empowerment Session:
                    • This experiential spiritual guidance session will help you to manifest life purpose intentions and your co-creator abilities.
                  • Conscious Breathwork Meditation:
                    • To connect to your innate divinity, higher self & unified consciousness.
                  • Energy Consciousness Training:
                    • This coaching session will help you to understand the dynamics between your spiritual energy field and your life at the Level of Intentionality.
                  • 90-minute Lunch Break
                  • Land Journey & Ceremony:
                    • Releasing Ceremony with Guided Meditation & Himalayan Singing Bowl Sound Therapy
                  • Energy Healing with Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy and Halo Therapy in the Salt Room

                Day 3


                  • Hike & Vortex Journey:
                    • Exploring your inner-scape through experiencing the outer landscape.
                  • 90-minute Lunch Break
                    • Intuition & Inner Vision Training:
                      • To expand your ability to receive information and guidance from within.
                    • Life Purpose Manifesting:
                      • Energy Consciousness Coaching & Training to help you integrate consciously and experientially.
                    • Integration Session & Closing

                  4-Day Spiritual Retreat – Sample Schedule

                  Day 1


                    • Incarnation Commitment & Grounding
                      • This spiritual guidance session will help you to let go of early childhood trauma and to rediscover an energized life force.
                    • Chakra Reading & Assessment:
                      • Psychic chakra readings and assessment according to Brennan Healing Science
                    • Tarot/Oracle Card Reading
                    • 90-minute Lunch Break
                      • Land Journey with Spirit Mentoring & Reiki Healing:
                        • This land journey with help you to reconnect with your Divine nature and the intelligence of your heart.
                      • Introspection & Journaling

                      Day 2


                        • Empowerment Session:
                          • This experiential spiritual guidance session will help you to manifest life purpose intentions and your co-creator abilities.
                        • Conscious Breathwork Meditation:
                          • To connect to your innate divinity, higher self & unified consciousness.
                        • Energy Consciousness Training:
                          • This coaching session will help you to understand the dynamics between your spiritual energy field and your life at the Level of Intentionality.
                        • 90-minute Lunch Break
                        • Land Journey & Ceremony:
                          • Releasing Ceremony with Guided Meditation & Himalayan Singing Bowl Sound Therapy
                        • Energy Healing with Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy and Halo Therapy in the Salt Room
                        • Integration Session

                      Day 3


                        • Hike & Vortex Journey:
                          • Exploring your inner-scape through experiencing the outer landscape.
                        • 90-minute Lunch Break
                      • Intuition & Inner Vision Training:
                        • Experiential bio-energetic exercises to open up the third eye and to expand your ability to receive information and guidance from within.
                      • Holding Higher Vibrations Training:
                        • Working with the chakras & aura to raise your vibrations.
                      • Life Purpose Manifesting & the Level of Intentionality:
                        • Energy Consciousness Coaching & Training to help you integrate consciously and experientially.
                      • Sedona Infinity Spa Massage with Essential Oils:
                        • This full-body experience will help you to release all tension that you are holding in your physical body.

                      Day 4


                        • Labyrinth Journey:
                          • Walking the Labyrinth is a mystical tradition that can awaken and empower you.
                        • Conscious Breathwork Meditation:
                          • To connect to your innate divinity, higher self & unified consciousness.
                        • Energy Expansion & Alignment:
                          • Holding higher vibrations, expanding your aura & holding Haric alignment.
                        • 90-minute Lunch Break
                        • Energy Consciousness Spiritual Connection Training:
                          • This coaching session will help you develop your crown chakra and connection to your divine self.
                        • Brennan Healing Science Energy Healing: 
                          • Multi-dimensional approach according to Barbara Brennan
                        • Integration Session & Closing

                      Day 1


                        • Incarnation Commitment & Grounding
                          • This spiritual guidance session will help you to let go of early childhood trauma and to rediscover an energized life force.
                        • Chakra Reading & Assessment:
                          • Psychic chakra readings and assessment according to Brennan Healing Science
                        • Tarot/Oracle Card Reading
                        • 90-minute Lunch Break
                          • Land Journey with Spirit Mentoring & Reiki Healing:
                            • This land journey with help you to reconnect with your Divine nature and the intelligence of your heart.
                          • Introspection & Journaling

                          Day 2


                            • Empowerment Session:
                              • This experiential spiritual guidance session will help you to manifest life purpose intentions and your co-creator abilities.
                            • Conscious Breathwork Meditation:
                              • To connect to your innate divinity, higher self & unified consciousness.
                            • Energy Consciousness Training:
                              • This coaching session will help you to understand the dynamics between your spiritual energy field and your life at the Level of Intentionality.
                            • 90-minute Lunch Break
                            • Land Journey & Ceremony:
                              • Releasing Ceremony with Guided Meditation & Himalayan Singing Bowl Sound Therapy
                            • Energy Healing with Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy and Halo Therapy in the Salt Room
                            • Integration Session

                          Day 3


                            • Hike & Vortex Journey:
                              • Exploring your inner-scape through experiencing the outer landscape.
                            • 90-minute Lunch Break
                          • Intuition & Inner Vision Training:
                            • Experiential bio-energetic exercises to open up the third eye and to expand your ability to receive information and guidance from within.
                          • Holding Higher Vibrations Training:
                            • Working with the chakras & aura to raise your vibrations.
                          • Life Purpose Manifesting & the Level of Intentionality:
                            • Energy Consciousness Coaching & Training to help you integrate consciously and experientially.
                          • Sedona Infinity Spa Massage with Essential Oils:
                            • This full-body experience will help you to release all tension that you are holding in your physical body.

                          Day 4


                            • Labyrinth Journey:
                              • Walking the Labyrinth is a mystical tradition that can awaken and empower you.
                            • Conscious Breathwork Meditation:
                              • To connect to your innate divinity, higher self & unified consciousness.
                            • Energy Expansion & Alignment:
                              • Holding higher vibrations, expanding your aura & holding Haric alignment.
                            • 90-minute Lunch Break
                            • Energy Consciousness Spiritual Connection Training:
                              • This coaching session will help you develop your crown chakra and connection to your divine self.
                            • Brennan Healing Science Energy Healing: 
                              • Multi-dimensional approach according to Barbara Brennan
                            • Integration Session & Closing

                          Healing Retreats

                          These 2-, 3- or 4-day retreats are for you if you are consciously or unconsciously undermining your values, goals or intentions and are looking to become empowered through healing your relationship with your past and yourself.


                          Spiritual Retreats

                          These 2-, 3- or 4-day retreats for you if you are interested in exploring a spiritually-based empowerment, co-creation and manifestation, if you want to become more aligned through authentic self-expression and divine self-awareness.

                          Nature Retreats

                          These 2-, 3- or 4-day retreats are for you if you are interested in learning to mindfully move through nature in ways that cultivate presence, opening of all of your senses, and actively communicating with the land and with the energy of the land.

                          Questions? Contact us: