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Brennan Healing Science – Balancing & Charging for Acute Issues, Pain & Surgery

$130.00 and up

From a healer’s perspective, all disease starts first in the client’s energy field. The energy field is capable of being distorted, blocked, stagnated, torn and burnt. From either physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual trauma, the energy field can be stopped from its healthy vibrant flow.

If you are experiencing acute issues, pain or will be undergoing surgery, you may consider the assistance of a energy healer, in order to assist you to heal faster and potentially eliminate the pain and/or condition altogether. There are healers working in many hospitals around the world as well in many populations were they may only rarely have access to what we call Western medical care. There are trained energy healers who even work together with Western doctors in some very progressive hospitals in the US as well as in Geneva, Switzerland.

You may choose between: 

  • Balancing & Charging Energy Healing Session – 60+ minutes $130

  • Pre-Op, Distance Healing during Surgery & Post-Op – 3 x 75-90 minutes $400

You may choose between: 

  • In-person at Sedona Infinity Spa
  • Online on Zoom
  • Another Location in Sedona – please provide address

If you do not find a date or time that is convenient for you, please send me a text, email or call on 928-821-9061 to schedule. There are options available, but they can not be booked directly on the website.

Please note that the time you book is YOUR Local Time, which is the time zone that your computer, phone or tablet registers you are in while making the booking. For example, if you are on the East Coast when booking, an 8 a.m. appointment in Sedona will show up as 11 a.m. on your side during Daylight Savings Time and 10 a.m. otherwise, as Arizona does not change times.

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From a healer’s perspective, all disease starts first in the client’s energy field. The energy field is capable of being distorted, blocked, stagnated, torn and burnt. From either physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual trauma, the energy field can be stopped from its healthy vibrant flow. 

If you are experiencing acute issues, pain or will be undergoing surgery, you may consider the assistance of a energy healer, in order to assist you to heal faster and potentially eliminate the pain and/or condition altogether. There are healers working in many hospitals around the world as well in many populations were they may only rarely have access to what we call Western medical care. There are trained energy healers who even work together with Western doctors in some very progressive hospitals on the East and West Coast as well as in Geneva, Switzerland.

Key Concepts of Brennan Healing Science

The dynamic process of dis-ease or any physical condition may begin with: 

  • A tangle or tear in the 7th level of the auric field, which may create
  • Weak or blocked Celestial Light on the 6th level of the field, which may create
  • A distortion in the 5th level template, which may create
  • Blocks on the 4th level, dark forms, stagnated energy, which may create
  • Disturbance of form of the mental body, dissociated thought forms on the 3rd level, which may create
  • Dark blocks of energy stagnated or depleted energy and stuck emotions of fear, anger, grief, and pain on the 2nd level, which may create
  • Tangles, breaks or disruption in the 1st level of the auric field, which may finally manifest in
  • Physical illness, dis-ease, chronic conditions, and even accidents

At the point less universal energy is able to enter the human energy field, the physical body becomes ‘undernourished’. Given enough time in this unbalanced condition, the body would continue to weaken that portion of the human energy field and create a dis-ease. 

The Human Energy Field and Chakras

The Human energy system (HEF) consists of different levels of vibrations or frequencies, and something called chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel of light. Chakras act like energy transformers, either stepping up the energy in frequency or stepping it down. 

There are seven main chakras, (top of the head, middle of forehead, throat, heart, solar plexus, lower belly and between the legs). These chakras open up from the central power current (you might say the energetic complement to the spine) both on the front of the body and on the back. In addition, our joints, organs, hands and bottoms of the feet also have smaller individual chakras. You could think of the shape of the chakra as a wheel, a vortex or a funnel. In fact they spin either clockwise or counterclockwise. Each of the major chakras is associated with an endocrine gland and also carries emotional and physiological aspects to it. For instance, the 2nd Chakra, found between the naval and the public bone, is related to our reproductive organs and carries our feelings in that regard as well as emotional feelings that arise out of our belief systems about ourselves. The job of the chakra is to take in energy from the Universal Energy Field to nourish that particular area of the energetic body, which then nourishes the material body. Each chakra also has a particular frequency, which sends energy out into the person’s energy field. The highest frequencies are found on the 5th, 6th and 7th chakras and the lowest are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The heart is the bridge between. Likewise, color and sound (having frequency) are associated with the major chakras. 

The different vibrational levels of the energy field can be structured, that is, like a template of lines of light or they can be fluid or cloud like. They are linked to the chakras and exhibit the same psychological and emotional characteristics. 

Now, different therapies, different schools of healing, and different metaphysical philosophies do not always agree specifically on what the chakras look like or how they may spin or even emotional characteristics. This does not make any of them wrong and here is why. Just as Quantum physics science is showing us how a particle and a wave can be the same phenomena depending on the perspective, perception and intention of the observer, a person who intuitively reads or ‘sees’ energy may see through their perceptions one thing while another person may symbolize that same idea differently according to their belief systems. This is also true for psychics when they give readings. 

A well-balanced energy system promotes health, vitality and well-being. All systems in the body are energetically nourished and the immune system is enhanced. A person feels grounded and in harmony with themselves. However, distortions, tears, stagnant energy, imbalance can occur within these chakras, energetic organs and the energy field. This is due to traumas which can be physical, physiological or emotional in nature and which undermine the natural harmony or ease of the body. Therefore, we are said to be in a state of dis-ease.